
Wednesday 29 November 2017

Showing Respect In Different Situations

WALT show respect in different situations. Our school has 4 values. The final value is Respect. We have been learning about respect. Every Monday we work on this slideshow.

Tuesday 14 November 2017

Animal poem

Walt write a poem about our favourite animal.

Animal Poem by Tyler

I like birds

I like them.

Ask me why?

Because they can fly, high in the sky.

Because their babies are as cute as human babies.

Because they are good fliers.

Because they fly away when a person is near.

Because their fast at flying.

Because their good at tweeting.

Because they always fly north or south in autumn.

Because their flying everyday.



That’s why I like Birds.

Thursday 2 November 2017

Market Day poster

Walt design a poster to meet a need. My class had to make a poster for market day because there is going to be a market day at. Read these details. First my class teamed up with someone from the classroom to go on a slideshow to do poster positive's and weakness'. Next we got 2 piece's of yellow paper and wrote down something's to put in a poster. Last we started making a poster rubric.