
Friday 15 December 2017

A elves letter to Santa.

Dear Santa,

Me and the rest of the elves are mad at you! Why, because we do all the work and you get to rest until Christmas. We should be allowed some cookies and milk too. We would like some changes. First we would like to change the cookies and milk so we can have some. Next we would like it if you started to help make some toys for the kids. Last we would like it if you take 4 or 5 elves with you every year to help deliver the presents.

Forest Twinkleboughs.

Thursday 14 December 2017

Kiwi can 2017

This term we made a slideshow showing Kiwi can 2017.

Market Day reflection

On Thursday 30th of November we had our Market Day. On Friday the 1st of December we made this slideshow to reflect the Market Day. We showed the steps to the Market day and the Market day. Can't forget the money counting.

Thursday 7 December 2017

Jail break

Jail break

“Where am I,” I said.
“am I in a police van.” I continued.
“He’s awake.” Said police 1.
“What should we do.” Said police 2.
“Don’t worry I’ve got this.” Said police 3.
“Why am I in here again.” I said to myself.
“Oh that’s right. I stole some sweets from the sweet store.” I continued.

I was with Max, Jimmy and Lenny. When we got to the jail we were put in the same sell.

The plan.

Ok so first I’ll introduce my friends. Lenny, the knocking out guard guy. Jimmy, the jail genoise. Max, the button pressing guy. And me, the planer.

“Ok so here’s the plan guys. Right so Lenny, you knock out the guards. Jimmy, your the genoise since you know all about escaping jail. Max, you just press buttons. And me, I just did my part. But first plan A, Lenny when you start knocking out guards some will go after you. If you get caught we’ll need a plan B. Plan B, Jimmy if Lenny gets caught, you knock out the other guards. If you get caught we’ll need a plan C. Plan C, Max if Jimmy gets caught knock out the rest of the guards. And plan D, if you get caught Max I’ll knock out the rest of the guards. Got it.” I said.
“Got it.” Said Lenny, Jimmy and Max.

Plan A.

“If you get caught they’ll send you back here ok.” I said.
“Ok.” Said Lenny, Jimmy and Max.
“Oh I forgot I brought walkie talkies.” Said Lenny.
“But why.” I said.
“They were for the robbery but we didn’t split up so I thought they would be good for jail.” Said Lenny.
“Alright go.” I said.
Beep. “I’m already knocking out guards.” Said Lenny.
Beep. “Lenny look out behind you.” I said. But it was too late. Lenny was caught.
“Alright. It’s time for plan B.” I said.
“Jimmy here’s your walkie talkie. Now go.” I continued.
“There trying to escape.” Said guard 1.
“Stop them.” Said guard 2.

Plan B.

Beep. “Alright I’m knocking out guards.” Said Jimmy.
Next Lenny was put back the sell.
Beep. “Lenny is back.” I said.
Beep. “Good.” Said Jimmy.
Beep. “Is the door to the control room open.” I said.
Beep. “No.” Said Jimmy.
Beep. “Jimmy whatch out.” I said. But it was too late. He is getting sent back to the sell.
“Alright Max it’s time for plan C.” I said.
“Alright.” Said Max. Next Jimmy got back in the sell.
“Oh and I’ll come with you.” I said.
“Why?” Said Max.
“To press the buttons.” I said.

Plan C

“Let’s go Max.” I said.
“Yep.” Said Max.
“Guys use the walkie talkie.” I said.
“Ok.” Said Jimmy and Lenny.
Beep. “Alright guys Max is knocking out the rest of the guards and I’m pressing buttons.” I said.
Beep. “Good.” Said Jimmy and Lenny.

Behind plan C.

“Lenny I made a hole in the roof but found out that the fence's are too high. I also made a hole in the control room roof.” Said Jimmy.
“Good because Tyler is in trouble.” Said Lenny.
“Then go save him. But first what is the problem. All the guards are all trying to get Max.” Said Jimmy.
“The other prisoner’s.” Said Lenny.

Being saved by Lenny.

Beep. “Tyler. There are prisoner’s behind you.” Said Jimmy. Next I turned around.
“Heeeeeeeeeelllllllllllllppppppppppp.” I said.
Next Lenny saved me.
“Thanks Lenny.” I said.
Beep. “Max are all the guards knocked out.” I said.
Beep. “Yes.” Said Max.
“Time to press the button.” I said. Next I pressed the button.
All the doors in the jail are open.


We all got out and a few years later me and Max went on a train to Tyler and Max land. Next the train went off the rails.
“Where are we.” I said.
“We’re here.” Said Max.
“Hey look. A temple.” I said.
“Let’s go in.” Said Max.
“Why.” I said.
“Because it’s raining and our train is off the rails.” Said Max.

“You got a point.” I said.

Beginning My Summer Learning Journey

Week 1: In the beginning
Activity 1: The first settlers

3 facts about Maui the demi god.

1. The giant fish the Maui caught is the North Island of New Zealand and Maui's waka is the South Island of New Zealand.
2. Maui had a lot of brothers and he was always troublesome.
3. Maui caught a giant fish but some people say that he is a myth and legend.

I have whatched the movie Moana. Maui is also in the movie Moana and has the power to change into different animals. Maui also helps Moana to save her village.

Here's and a drawing of Maui's fish hook.

Wednesday 29 November 2017

Showing Respect In Different Situations

WALT show respect in different situations. Our school has 4 values. The final value is Respect. We have been learning about respect. Every Monday we work on this slideshow.

Tuesday 14 November 2017

Animal poem

Walt write a poem about our favourite animal.

Animal Poem by Tyler

I like birds

I like them.

Ask me why?

Because they can fly, high in the sky.

Because their babies are as cute as human babies.

Because they are good fliers.

Because they fly away when a person is near.

Because their fast at flying.

Because their good at tweeting.

Because they always fly north or south in autumn.

Because their flying everyday.



That’s why I like Birds.

Thursday 2 November 2017

Market Day poster

Walt design a poster to meet a need. My class had to make a poster for market day because there is going to be a market day at. Read these details. First my class teamed up with someone from the classroom to go on a slideshow to do poster positive's and weakness'. Next we got 2 piece's of yellow paper and wrote down something's to put in a poster. Last we started making a poster rubric.

Friday 27 October 2017

Uru mānuka poster to show what uru mānuka is

Walt create a logo for the Uru mānuka cluster

Me and my class had to make a poster about the Uru mānuka cluster

I did this design because I amd really creative and make lot's of stuff

Friday 20 October 2017


Walt recount a time from my holiday.


In the holidays we went to our friends house. Me and Noah had a sleepover while Caleb and Dylan went to our cousins house. The day after that me and Noah came home but Noah went to our friends t ball game. Next me, my mum and dad went to go get Caleb and Dylan.

Then our cousin came for a sleepover. We went shopping and got microwave popcorn. After dinner we watch a movie and ate the popcorn. Then we went outside to play.

The next day was the last day of the holidays. We got frozen coke and went to the park but then something bad happened. Caleb got mad and our mum and dad tricked us and dropped our cousin off.

Then we went to the supermarket and got some stuff for school. We went home and played outside and on saturday when I came home I got a can of lemonade and forgot to bring my pillow home. That was sad because Caleb sleeps with two pillows and I had to use one.

We had a fun and bad holiday. Luckily the next holidays is the christmas holidays.

Wednesday 20 September 2017

Māori language week.

Walt gather information from different texts.

In term 3 week 8 of 2017 it was Māori language week.
My task was to create a DLO showing the different things of Māori.
I chose a slideshow as my DLO.

I learned 50 Māori words every New Zealander should know.

Wednesday 9 August 2017

The symbols of the Eucharist

Walt identify the symbols of Eucharist
We were leaning about the symbols of the Eucharist

Monday 7 August 2017


Walt identify patterns in a sequence.
My class has been learning about patterns and sequences.

Monday 31 July 2017


WALT demonstrate responsibility in different situations.
This slideshow explains different ways we can show responsibility.

This slideshow shows the different ways of showing responsibility.
Week 2 I will work on charging my chrome book.
Week 3 I will work on getting early each morning.

Wednesday 26 July 2017

About me.

  1. What is your favorite color? Gold.
  2. Who is your best friend? Lenny.
  3. What is your favorite tv program? Star wars.
  4. If you had one wish, what would it be? To have a light saber.
  5. What’s the hardest thing you've ever done? Spelling.
  6. What makes you happy? Star wars.
  7. What are you good at? Writing.
  8. If you could go anywhere in the world on holiday, where would you go? America.
  9. What car do you want to have when you grow up? A gold car.
  10. What do you want to be when you grow up? A police.

Tuesday 25 July 2017

The Epic Escape Continues again

The Epic Escape. Part 3. Dodging Practice and Battle 2.0.

“Press button to open portal.” Said the voice. “O k.” I said pressing the button. “This must be the way out.” I said. “But there's still more to do.” I said. Next when I went in the portal I ended up at another task. Then I pressed a button. “Dogging practice.” Said the voice. “Doge doge. I made it.” I said. “Again and press the button again.” Said the voice. “Doge doge. Done.” I said pressing the button. “Dodging practice done. Another battle coming up.” Said the voice. “Another battle!” I said. When the battle started I noticed that the robots are battle droids from star wars. Next I got a gun. The gun can change into 2 more guns. Then I used my gun to destroy the battle droids. I had to do some dodging too. When I won I pressed the button. To be continued…

The Epic Escape Continues

The Epic Escape. Part 2. The Battle.

“Now that I've escape the first task I can now press this next button.” I said. (Door’s opening) “Whats going on.” I said. “Shoot him.” Said a robot. “Then the only way to get out of is to fight. Oh a button. I better get to it to get out of this place. Punch.” I said Punching a robot. Next I got something. “A light saber. Chop.” I said chopping a robot. “Yes!” I said pressing the button. “Round 1 complete.” Said a voice. “Round 2 begin.” Said the voice. “Ship practice time and the last round is round 2.” Said the voice. (Boom) “Yes that's the last one down.” I said pressing the button. “I made it out, but there’s still lots to do.” I said.
To be continued…

The Epic Escape Begins

The Epic Escape. Part 1. The Run.

One day I was walking to school. Then I saw a button. So I pressed it. “Ah!” I said falling. When I landed I was like “Where am I.” So I looked around. Then I saw another button. But I didn’t press it this time but then I pressed it. I couldn't help it. Then lot’s of robots were being made. “What is this.” I said to myself. “Hello we are here to destroy you.” Said one of the robots. Next I ran away but they kept on chasing me. So I ran faster. Then when I escaped I saw another button. It said. “Press me to shut door.” So I pressed it and next the door shut. Next I had to get out of here. There were robots everywhere. I had to get out.

To be continued…  

Wednesday 15 March 2017


Welcome to my very own blog for learning. I look forward to sharing my learning with teachers, my school, my family and friends anywhere.