
Thursday 19 March 2020

Equal Additions

In maths, my group learnt about equal additions and now I have to tell all you about. Do you think you can?

There will be some questions in it that you have to answer. Don't cheat.

I found learning the strategy difficult.
I enjoy teaching all you.

Did you answer the questions right?
Did you cheat?
Don't cheat.

Animal War Mascots

In Reading this week we had to read about Anzac mascots. Next we had to create a DLO telling others about them.

Finally, we had to create our own mascot. I made a chicken.

I found making the chicken difficult.
I enjoyed making the chicken, too.

Do you like the mascot?
Do you like the ideas?
If you could make a mascot, what animal would it be?

Monday 16 March 2020

Saint Maximilian Kolbe

Last week we started learning about two Saints and what they did. The first Saint is Saint Maximilian Kolbe, the other Saint is Father Francis Vernon Douglas.

We even learn how to use a new website called Voki. Voki is a website where you chose a character and a voice, next you write down what you want them to say and finally you click the button that makes them talk.

The Saint I chose to make my was Saint Maximilian Kolbe.

What did you like about the video?
Do you think Maximilian did the right thing?
I think yes.

Friday 6 March 2020

The Anzac Violin

W.A.L.T use descriptive language

In writing we read the book, the Anzac Violin. We had to write a diary entry about the person who the story is about.

We had to chose a scene, I chose the scene where he got shot down. I enjoyed reading the book.
I found writing the entry hard.

This is my entry.

I play my special instrument, my violin, one last tune before I go off to battle.
  With my group by my side, we see rancid, rotten, cold, bleeding corpses. We see some little pieces of silver pass our bodies. Bullets! We start to shoot some back and I see my comrades get shot down, oh how I miss my violin. Next thing I know, I’ve gotten shot down. I slowly crawl back to the trench, bleeding. I see all my dead friends. Rotten.
  I reach the trench, ready to go home, bleeding, I still live for another day.

Do you like it?
Have you read the Anzac Violin?
What was your favourite part?