
Monday 31 July 2017


WALT demonstrate responsibility in different situations.
This slideshow explains different ways we can show responsibility.

This slideshow shows the different ways of showing responsibility.
Week 2 I will work on charging my chrome book.
Week 3 I will work on getting early each morning.

Wednesday 26 July 2017

About me.

  1. What is your favorite color? Gold.
  2. Who is your best friend? Lenny.
  3. What is your favorite tv program? Star wars.
  4. If you had one wish, what would it be? To have a light saber.
  5. What’s the hardest thing you've ever done? Spelling.
  6. What makes you happy? Star wars.
  7. What are you good at? Writing.
  8. If you could go anywhere in the world on holiday, where would you go? America.
  9. What car do you want to have when you grow up? A gold car.
  10. What do you want to be when you grow up? A police.

Tuesday 25 July 2017

The Epic Escape Continues again

The Epic Escape. Part 3. Dodging Practice and Battle 2.0.

“Press button to open portal.” Said the voice. “O k.” I said pressing the button. “This must be the way out.” I said. “But there's still more to do.” I said. Next when I went in the portal I ended up at another task. Then I pressed a button. “Dogging practice.” Said the voice. “Doge doge. I made it.” I said. “Again and press the button again.” Said the voice. “Doge doge. Done.” I said pressing the button. “Dodging practice done. Another battle coming up.” Said the voice. “Another battle!” I said. When the battle started I noticed that the robots are battle droids from star wars. Next I got a gun. The gun can change into 2 more guns. Then I used my gun to destroy the battle droids. I had to do some dodging too. When I won I pressed the button. To be continued…

The Epic Escape Continues

The Epic Escape. Part 2. The Battle.

“Now that I've escape the first task I can now press this next button.” I said. (Door’s opening) “Whats going on.” I said. “Shoot him.” Said a robot. “Then the only way to get out of is to fight. Oh a button. I better get to it to get out of this place. Punch.” I said Punching a robot. Next I got something. “A light saber. Chop.” I said chopping a robot. “Yes!” I said pressing the button. “Round 1 complete.” Said a voice. “Round 2 begin.” Said the voice. “Ship practice time and the last round is round 2.” Said the voice. (Boom) “Yes that's the last one down.” I said pressing the button. “I made it out, but there’s still lots to do.” I said.
To be continued…

The Epic Escape Begins

The Epic Escape. Part 1. The Run.

One day I was walking to school. Then I saw a button. So I pressed it. “Ah!” I said falling. When I landed I was like “Where am I.” So I looked around. Then I saw another button. But I didn’t press it this time but then I pressed it. I couldn't help it. Then lot’s of robots were being made. “What is this.” I said to myself. “Hello we are here to destroy you.” Said one of the robots. Next I ran away but they kept on chasing me. So I ran faster. Then when I escaped I saw another button. It said. “Press me to shut door.” So I pressed it and next the door shut. Next I had to get out of here. There were robots everywhere. I had to get out.

To be continued…