Last year at the end of the year, the St Bernadette School Church started getting re-built. My school had the final Assembly at Hornby Primary School. It took a whole year for the Church to get re-built.
The New Church
On Wednesday 17/10/18 my whole School went to the New Church. As soon as my class went in I felt like I was in Heaven. When we went in the foyer I thought, “Where is the Holy Water.”. Next when we were in the Main part of the New Church, I found the Holy Water. Later we were sitting down on the chairs. When the Mass started everyone stood up. Everyone sang a song. The song was One Faith.
Father Palo, the Priest, talked about the new stuff during the Mass. He talked about the new St Bernadette and Mary statue’s from france. Next He talked about the trees on the walls of the Church. He said, “Jesus is the branch and we are the leaves.”. The leaves are stars.
After Father Palo talked about the new stuff, the school sat down. I noticed the New Tabernacle. During the Mass the school choir stood up and sang. I don’t know the name of the song. After Mass the class’ went back to the classroom’s. The New Church is awesome. Oh I forgot something, the entrance doors are made of glass. Also there's a glass roof other the Holy Water, not the whole Church.